The Surya Jyothi Yoga Vedanta Sadhana Gurukulam is a Non profit organization founded by Swami Krishnananda Saraswathi with Yogacharya Vishwanath in 2007 to teach Yoga Vedanta to humanity with original teaching of Swami Sivananda and Swami Vishnudevananda. This is a project of great importance and benefit to individuals for self help and motivation. The main vision of mission is to focus individuals sadhana of Sadhakas and teach Yoga and Vedanta to public to bring peace and health to humanity.
The Gurukulam welcomes talented individuals to help sustain the activities and operations the Gurukulam.
Gurukulam believes in allowing individuals to live a simple life as they choose with the motivation of high thinking. This should be focused around developing oneself spirituality.
We only enocurage Sattvic spiritual activities like Yoga, Japa, Meditation, Workship, common prayers. We follow the teachings of our Masters Swami Sivananda and Swami Vishnudevanandaji Maharaj.
H.H.SWAMI SIVANANDA SARASWATI(1887-1963)One of the Greatest saints of modern times, this renowned Indian sage and humanitarian, born in Tamil Nadu, India, is the inspiration behind the organization. Founder of the Divine Life Society in Rishikesh, this Self-realized master, the embodiment of love and compassion, entered Maha- Samadhi in 1963. His teachings continue to enrich the lives of millions world-wide through his books, which number more than three hundred. |
H.H.SWAMI VISHNU DEVANANDA SARASWATI (1927-1993)A disciple of Master Sivananda, Swami Vishnuvedanda was a world authority on Hatha and Raja Yoga. He founded the International Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centres (ISYVC), whose head-quarters are in Canada. ISYVC offers Yoga instruction in major cities through-out the world. He is also the author of the best-selling books ‘The Complete Illustrated Book of Yoga’ and ‘Meditation and Mantras’. |
SWAMI KRISHNANANDA SARASWATIBorn in Karnataka 1958. A Devotee of Kolloor Mookambika Divine mother, joined Sivananda Ashram Kerala in 1989 was Initiated into the yogic way of life by Swami Vishnudevananda and served the mission for 18 years in different branches with different responsibilities in India & Canada.Swamiji is the author of KALIYUGA VAHINI in Kannada language which will be coming in all major languages shortly. He conducts yoga, meditation courses and guiding students from all over the world in the spiritual path .Swamiji has traveled across the globe in spreading the guru’s message. He is presently staying at Bangalore Surya Jyothi Yoga Vedanta centre. |
![]() YOGACHARYA VISHWANATHBorn in Karnataka, joined Sivananda Ashram kerala in 1995.Served the organization for 12 years in India at all branches .Learned yoga and Graduated as a yoga teacher. He is also working as a Yoga Consultant in FITNESS ONE INDIA PVT .L.T.D Bangalore. |